Current projects that are completed or in-progress.


A Scrum team and project management system. Contains articles on Scrum, Planning Poker, and Agile practices. You can join for free and be assigned to teams to work on projects. Manages stories, sprints, daily stand-ups, reviews, and retrospectives.

Local List app

An offline simple to-do app for Android and iOS. Stores your to-do lists locally on your mobile device by day. Items can be pushed to another day.


Create free online surveys without creating an account. Build the survey questions, email them to your customers/employees/users, and return to collect their responses in a CSV file that can be easily imported into Excel.

Scrum Poker app

A story estimation tool for team's that follow Scrum.

Another Calculator app

Just another calculator, including scientific calculator.


Software-as-a-Service for organizations that utilize the benefits of Kanban.